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2017 Wrapped Up: A Year of Growth

2017 was a tempestuous year. I experienced some of my highest highs and lowest lows: in my personal life, family life and university life. I’m happy to say I made it to the end in one piece and looking back I’m proud of the progress I've made, the journey I’m on and the people I’ve met along the way.

Last year I had the pleasure of making friends and meeting new people who infused my life with positivity, motivation and inspiration. At the beginning of the year I was passive and let outside influences affect me and how I chose to live my life; in January, my exam results were well below my expectations and I couldn’t see how I’d make a comeback by March. I felt like I’d failed myself and I let this academic setback hold me back in other areas of my life. I completely isolated myself from my friends and family and it was a long while before I built up the courage to ask for help.

I reached out to a girl I was doing a group presentation with. We had never spoken to each other before having to work together, but she gave me the motivation I needed to get myself back on track. She is the type of friend that wants only the best for me and is always there to tell me what I need to hear – not what I want to hear. She is hugely empathetic and has played a huge part in my personal growth this year.

I think it’s important to mention here that help and support can come in lots of different forms – it’s not always one size fits all. I think it’s important to try as many support structures as possible to see what works best for you.

I started to attend more events at my university’s African-Caribbean and Black Feminist Societies. Being around like-minded people, and having meaningful conversations that I could both contribute and relate to helped to restore my sense of worth and purpose, and played a big part in shaping the mindset of this blog.

At the end of April, I moved to France for two months, and for the first time I truly got to experience what it’s like to live alone. I dealt with every challenge it threw at me: from getting locked out, to cockroach infestations… as well as dragging all my worldly possessions half a mile along a main road and up five flights of stairs to flee those same cockroaches!

I am currently living in Germany and it has tested my strength in more ways than one. I have pushed myself physically by taking pole fitness classes; in the first week, I could barely support my own weight but after three months I am able to climb the pole and keep up with the instructor. I have improved my emotional strength since I embarked on my Headspace journey; each day I take some time, even if it’s only 10 minutes, to reflect on my day and how I’m feeling. I spend most of my time by myself, so taking this time to look after myself makes the whole experience easier. I still miss all my friends and family back home, but not so much that I can’t enjoy my time away and do what I’m here to do.

The whole living abroad experience has opened my eyes to the reality of the world I live in; it has allowed me to take a step back and visualise the change I want to see - and shown me that I have to be that change.

This year marked my 5th anniversary since I actively started to embrace my natural hair. I’ve never chemically altered my hair, but I didn’t truly appreciate what it meant to be a “naturalista” until 5 years ago. It’s more than just having natural hair; it’s loving and appreciating your kinks and curls despite their underrepresentation in the media – especially when others may not understand the statement you make simply by loving your natural hair unconditionally.

This way of thinking has had an influence on other areas of my life: I invest so much time into the health of my hair, into research the products I use, into achieving the best styles. I am very patient, selective and determined when it comes to my hair. So much so that I expect the best all the time, and not just when it comes to my hair: I want to be the best version of myself and have a positive influence on the community around me.

I am not finished growing by any means and I’d love for you to join me on this next leg of my journey.

Love, Chlo xx

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